ECD Analyzer Helps Municipalities & Manufacturers Get The Lead Out To Clean Up Water Supply
Ideal Solution for Helping Meet Latest U.S. EPA LCR Requirements, as well as European Union’s RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC
Anaheim, CA—September 27, 2021—Plant engineers responsible for clean, safe drinking water in their communities and those engineers in business tasked with industrial wastewater treatment will find that the S80-T80 Lead (Pb) Analyzer and S80-T80 Copper (Cu) Analyzer from Electro-Chemical Devices (ECD) helps them verify treated water quality.
The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead and Copper Rule (LCR), updated in late 2020, is now in place for municipalities with lead pipes. These Pb testing requirements will extend to schools and other public facilities as well to protect youth and families. The EPA has estimated there are 6 to 10 million aging municipal water lead service lines and systems that must be tested and upgraded to prevent future Pb contamination of the water supply.
The electronics industry also has recognized for decades that water and soil contamination by lead and copper have been a problem in the manufacture of semiconductors, passive components and circuit boards. The EPA issued in 1983 its Electrical and Electronic Components (E&EC) Effluent Guidelines and Standards (40 CFR Part 469) to address the issue. In addition, electronics companies worldwide must adhere to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations per European Union (EU) Directive 2002/95/EC.
To assist municipal and industrial process and plant engineers, ECD has developed a modular family of ion selective Pb and Cu analyzers. A wide array of ECD water quality sensors are also available for other municipal water needs, including Ammonium, Calcium, Chlorine, Chromium VI, Fluoride, Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphates and Sulfur. Industrial sensors and systems are available for Bromide, Cadmium, Cyanide, Manganese, Nickel, Potassium, Silver and more.
When the intelligent S80 Pb ion selective sensor is connected to the versatile T80 Transmitter, the sensor’s information is uploaded to the analyzer. It then configures the displays and outputs of the transmitter to the values appropriate to the Pb sensor’s measurement parameters. The S80-T80 Pb Analyzer measures Pb over a range of 2.0 to 20,700 ppm at a pH level of 4-8 over a wide temperature range from 32 to 176°F (0 to 80°C) with a T90 response time of 10 seconds.
For copper monitoring, the Cu S80 Sensor is connected to the same, modular T80 Transmitter, with the ion-selective Cu sensor’s information uploaded to the analyzer. It also then configures the displays and outputs of the transmitter to the values appropriate to the Cu sensor’s measurement parameters. The highly sensitive S80 Cu sensor operates over an exceptionally wide measurement range of 1.0 ppb to 6,300 pm at a pH level of 2-4 over a temperature range 32 to 176°F (0 to 80°C) with aT90 response time of 10 seconds.
The versatile design of the ion-selective S80 sensor family can be specified for insertion, immersion or valve retractable service. Their rugged design is suitable for heavy-duty municipal and industrial applications and includes a choice of materials: 316 Stainless Steel, Titanium or Hastelloy. Maintenance is simple with a replaceable electronic cartridge, which can be performed by plant technicians without any special tools or training.
The universal T80 Transmitters are available as either single channel or dual channel instruments, allowing one analyzer to measure both Pb and Cu. This transmitter is available in a 24 VDC or a 100/240 VAC power configuration. All versions are available with the optional HART® output. The line powered instruments have one 4-20 mA output per channel and a MODBUS RTU. Other options available include a three alarm relay package. The relays can be configured as alarm (set point) relays, timer activated relays or fault relays.