
Universal Analyzer Series with Predictive Maintenance Reduces Sensor Replacement Cost and Labor Time

Ideal for Virtually All Processes: Biotech & Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Food/Beverage, Industrial Wastewater, Municipal Drinking Water & Waste, Oil/Gas, Power Generation, Semiconductor

Process and plant engineers seeking a lower cost, lower maintenance solution for multiple analytical measurements will find the integration of advanced
SENTINEL predictive maintenance technology from Electro-Chemical Devices, Inc. into its new ModelT80 Universal Transmitter and S80 Intelligent Sensor series minimizes the cost and technician labor required to replace sensor electrodes.

Predictive maintenance is the best way to reduce the cost of maintaining analyzer sensor electrodes. ECD’s SENTINEL technology alerts maintenance technicians to sensor electrode wear so that sensor electrodes are replaced only as necessary. Sensor replacement costs and labor time are reduced to the optimum level, water quality remains constant and other related equipment and systems continue to perform at high levels.

SENTINEL technology from ECD allows the Model T80 Transmitter-S80 Sensor series to provide Pre-pHault diagnostic information about the lifetime of a pH, ORP or pIon measurement. The easy-to-read SENTINEL display graphically shows a filled triangular gauge that decreases proportionally to the degradation of the reference electrode. A filled gauge indicates a new electrode that is functioning properly while an empty gauge indicates an electrode near the end of its useable life. In addition to the graphics, the SENTINEL information is remotely transmitted by various user selected outputs providing an alert notification that the sensor electrode is nearing its useful life and will need replacement to avoid down time.

The plug-and-play Model T80 Universal Transmitter is a single channel transmitter designed for the continuous measurement of seven common industrial plant parameters that include: pH, ORP, pION, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity, Conductivity or Resistivity. The Model T80 digitally communicates with any ECD Model S80 Intelligent Sensor and automatically configures the transmitter’s menus and display screens to the measured parameter. The Model T80 automatically configures to any of the listed measurements so that there is no longer any need to inventory multiple instrument types, saving time and reducing plant operating costs.

The T80 Universal Transmitter is flexible and user-friendly. It offers membrane switch navigation, a simple menu structure and soft key menu choices and an easy-to-read 2 ¾ -x- 1 ½ inch LCD display. The T80 accepts any S80 intelligent sensor or any standard pH sensor with solution ground using the optional T80 input card as an input. It is available with 4-20 mA output with MODBUS RTU on 24 VDC and 110/220 VAC instruments. The T80 can be configured with optional HART® 7 communication and optional three alarm relays.

The Model T80 transmitter digitally communicates with any Model S80 Intelligent Sensor, automatically uploading the sensors calibration data and configuring the transmitter’s menus and display screens to the parameter. Versatile Model S80 Sensors are the intelligent sensor choice for a wide variety of applications, available in the following parameters: pH, ORP, Specific Ion, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity & Resistivity. S80 Sensors feature two universal sensor designs, Insertion/Submersion or Valve Retractable with flared end to prevent blow out. The standard Model S80 sensors have a rugged ¾-inch O.D. 316 stainless steel body with a 10-foot cable or an optional waterproof detachable cable assembly.

S80 Sensors feature the ECD six-point advantage making them adaptable to most industrial applications. The intelligent sensors store calibration data, have a common configuration for all measurements, are economic with easily replaceable application specific electrode cartridges, in submersible and retractable designs with application specific materials of construction bring cutting edge versatility to ECD’s customers.